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Welcome to Impact Fitness​!

The new weight paradigm focuses on things other than weight loss: healthy eating, regular exercise, positive self-esteem and, perhaps most importantly, self-acceptance.

Being healthy has less to do with a number on a scale than the ability to balance and nurture all aspects of one’s life: the emotional, mental and spiritual, as well as the physical. Here’s a breakdown of the old assumptions and alternative solutions according to the new weight paradigm:

Old: Restricting calories is the best way to lose weight.
New: The combination of regular exercise and a healthy eating plan is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off. A program of aerobic exercise and resistance training helps individuals burn calories and maintain lean muscle mass. Healthy, relaxed eating in response to hunger and satiety cues is the key to developing a comfortable relationship with food and avoiding eating disorders.

Old: People need to be thin to be healthy and happy.
New: People naturally have different body shapes and sizes, and need to accept themselves for what they are.
The key to making positive changes—which may or may not include weight loss—is to consider all the different facets of one’s life. Dropping a dress or pants size will mean little if constant fatigue from restricting calories leaves you unable to play with your kids. - ACE

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About Chrissy Hogue

Professional Fitness Trainer and Master’s Student of Psychology with over 25 years of fitness enthusiasm.  Experienced in program design, seminar presentation, individualized exercise counseling. Excellent teaching skills. Staff management experience with particular emphasis on the training of exercise technicians and instructors. Adept at organizing special events. Able to maintain effective interaction with diverse clientele, staff, and members of the public. Diverse experience with all forms of media. Speak intermediate level Spanish.  In addition to Personal Fitness Training Chrissy is an actress, producer, and director currently starring in a new television show and touring a one-woman show called The Stupid Economy.

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